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All the different things that make our

preschool special

God First

We start the day with God first; Praise and Worship, Pray and Bible teachings take place every day.

Praying Child

Conflict resolution

As we are preparing the children for the “Big World” that comes after preschool, we help the children resolve conflicts in a socially acceptable manner amongst themselves. For our 3 and up ages, should a child do something to them, that they do not like or that has hurt their feelings. They tell their friend, “Please STOP” and proceed with, “I don’t like that” or “you stood on my foot” or whatever it may be that has upset them. The other child then has to say “sorry” and apologise for what they have done, and their friend will say I forgive you. Should the friend not apologise or not acknowledge what they did wrong, the child would then approach the teacher and she would step in to assist. We help the children do this as you will often find in “big school” that there is not always a parent/teacher around to assist, and the children need to be assertive and speak up for themselves on their own whenever the need arises.

Child Playing

Hygiene standard

Our entire facility, from classrooms, toilets, playground to the corridors is always kept clean, as well as always looking and smelling great. We fog our facility once a week to ensure we have no germs lurking, so that our children and staff are kept healthy and safe.


through Play

 Our children learn through Play, so that each child regardless of their learning style, be it; Visual (learn through seeing), Auditory (learn through hearing), Tactile (learn through touch), Kinaesthetic (learn through doing + moving), are granted the opportunities to learn and grow in their own way throughout each and every day.

Child riding horse

3 Week menu rotation

Our menu has all sorts of different fruits and vegetables incorporated and spans over 3 weeks instead of just 2, to ensure that the children are not getting bored of the same meals every other week and are exposed to all different types of textures and varieties of foods. All meals are prepared on the property by the school chef, along with freshly baked muffins and meals like Pap and Wors and Broccoli and Chicken Stew to name a few

Meal prep

Fun Friday Functions

We host get togethers for our parents and children before work. These functions include Valentines Day, Easter, Mother's, Father’s Day and Heritage day to name a few. Where we have refreshments, a photo booth and fun activities for you to do with your child according to each function’s theme

Child completing a puzzle


We give the children opportunities to do Show and Tell, Pray for our Friends or family members in need and other moments throughout the day to share what they have learnt over the week, in order to encourage Public speaking, more Social Interactions and of course Independence!

teeacher helping child with activity


Each child develops at their own pace, and they are encouraged and challenged according to their needs of development and not based on their age.

Kids sitting on the playground together

Our Extramurals:


"In a nutshell we can confidently say, Jesus loves the little children and so do we!"  Gini Monaghan (Founder)




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City Life Centre, 2 Capricorn Rd Lonehill, 2062

Tel: 010 446 7032


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